Who is WarSec?

Why WarSec is Your Best Choice

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Bryan Warren, MBA, CHPA, CPO-I

Bryan Warren, MBA, CHPA, CPO-I is President and chief consultant at WarSec Security and has over 36 years in the healthcare security, safety and emergency management fields. He has conducted healthcare security assessments and training workshops across the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia and holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and an MBA with a focus on legal foundations of healthcare. Bryan is a Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator as well as Certified Protection Officer Instructor and has served on a number of national task forces including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Department of Health and Human Services Office of Infrastructure Protection and the Joint Counter-terrorism Assessment Team (JCAT). Bryan is a Past President of the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS), a former Field Liaison Officer for the NC DHS Information Sharing And Analysis Center (ISAAC) and a volunteer leader in numerous professional associations. In these roles he has published a wide variety of articles and position papers and provided presentations nationally and internationally on the healthcare environment. Bryan has been named as one of the Top 20 Most Influential People in Security in the US by Security Magazine and as one of the Top 30 Voices in Healthcare Security by Forbes magazine. Bryan was awarded a copyright for his innovative process for determining appropriate staffing levels for security in healthcare facilities (see details below) and was honored as the only private sector security representative to the World Institute for Nuclear Security summit in Vienna, Austria to discuss the enhancement of security for nuclear materials in healthcare facilities worldwide.  Bryan was privileged to serve on The Joint Commission's Standards Review Panel for the creation of their first standards regarding Workplace Violence in healthcare and recently completed a project with Joint Commission International on similar efforts regarding hospitals outside of the U.S.

Professional Associations

Contributing Author - AHA / ASHE Handbook

Standards Review Panel - Joint Commission International

WPV Standards Review Panel - The Joint Commission

Advisory Board Member – The Joint Commission, Environment of Care Safety Newsletter

Member - International Association of Professional Security Consultants (IAPSC)

Member- World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS)

Member - Joint Counter-terrorism Assessment Team (JCAT) on Protection of Healthcare Facilities Critical Infrastructure

Former Field Liaison Officer – NC Information Sharing and Analysis Center – NC SBI / Dept. of Homeland Security

Member - National Healthcare Security CSO Council 

Senior Member / Past President – International Association of HealthCare Safety and Security (I.A.H.S.S.)

Council Member – I.A.H.S.S. Council on Guidelines

Member – International Foundation of Protection Officers (I.F.P.O.)

Former Sector Chief – FBI InfraGard Program – Charlotte Region Emergency Services

Charter Member – International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Associations (ILEETA)

Member – National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (N.A.D.D.I.)

Credentials & Recognitions

Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator (C.H.P.A.) Intl. Assn of Healthcare Security and Safety

Certified Protection Officer Instructor- Intl. Foundation of Protection Officers

Certified in Studies of Social & Behavioral Research Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative

Security Magazine’s 20 Most Influential Leaders

Forbes Magazine Top 30 Voices in Healthcare Security

Ranked top ten in US Healthcare Security Industry in SEC 500 for multiple consecutive years 

Twice Recipient Russell L. Colling Healthcare Security Literary Award 

Finalist – Campus Safety Magazine’s Healthcare Director of the Year

Lindberg Bell Award for Healthcare Security Excellence (IAHSS)

Recent Projects & Contributions

2025 ASHE Facility Manager's Handbook on Understanding Health Care Compliance

Creation of On Demand Webinars and Numerous Articles for Healthcare Regarding Security, Safety and Workplace Violence in the Healthcare Industry

Creation of International Radiological Security Standards for Medical Devices (Vienna, Austria) 

Natl. Task force on Active Shooter Training for Healthcare Facilities

Campus Safety Online Summit Program

Task force- DHS / FBI Joint Counter-terrorism Assessment Team for Healthcare Facilities (click HERE for copy of toolbox)

Project-Operation Day of Thunder                               Dept. of Energy and FBI Exercise

Presentation – Public / Private Sector Partnerships   DHS and FBI Security Conference 

Natl. Webinar – Security Event Notification & Workplace Violence in Healthcare

Position Paper– Creation of Workplace Violence Standards for Healthcare Industries - OSHA 2017

Whitepaper – Security Strategies for Behavioral Health Patient Populations - ASIS

Manuscript – How to Train Healthcare Workers on Workplace Violence- Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery

Presentation – Workplace Violence Awareness – NC Regional Risk Managers Conference

Presentation – Training Staff on WPV Prevention –   Southeastern Safety & Security Conference

Presentation – Private Sector Workplace Violence Prevention Panel – FBI 

Presentation – Active Shooter Preparation & Response – Charlotte Mecklenburg School System 

Intl. Conference Keynote- Healthcare Security and     Emergency Mgmt. – Melbourne, Australia 

Natl. Keynote– Emergency Mgmt. and Security During Public Health Emergencies - ASIS

Regional Keynote– Proving Value to the C Suite in Healthcare Security - Secured Cities Conference

Project – Anti-terrorism exercise for Charlotte Douglas International Airport

On the Safe Side Toolkit

The "On the Safe Side" Toolkit was developed to assist local hospitals, public health agencies, and law enforcement agencies in planning for and responding to public health emergencies. The toolkit is designed to give preparedness planners easy access to some of the materials they will need to develop hospital security and traffic management plans for medical surge and other emergency situations, develop a point of dispensing site security and traffic management plan, design and host a hospital and law enforcement workshop and design and host a hospital and law enforcement security-based tabletop exercise. Most of the documents in the toolkit can be edited or customized to suit your specific requirements. If you wish to edit or these documents, you first need to save them to your computer, and then use the appropriate Microsoft Office software to make the changes. Please email me to get a copy of this free toolkit. 

JCAT First Responder Toolbox

The mission of the Joint Counterterrorism Assessment Team (JCAT) is to improve information sharing and enhance public safety. In coordination with the FBI and DHS, JCAT collaborates with other members of the Intelligence Community to research, produce, and disseminate counterterrorism intelligence products for federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government (SLTT) agencies and the private sector and advocates for the counterterrorism intelligence requirements and needs of these partners throughout the Intelligence Community. First Responder Toolbox is an ad hoc, Unclassified//For Official Use Only, reference aid intended to promote counterterrorism coordination among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government authorities and partnerships with private sector officials in deterring, preventing, disrupting, and responding to terrorist attacks. 

Copyright for Healthcare Security Staffing Matrix

In February 2018 after many years of research and work, I was awarded a copyright on my staffing formula for healthcare security personnel.  My formula uses a variety of data points including physical size of a campus or facility, presence of security sensitive areas, call for service and at risk patient population volumes, local crime statistics and many others to help leaders determine the most appropriate number of security personnel for current and future needs.



